It feels like MineSweeper. Don't believe the hype. It's just an Indie "puzzle" game.

User Rating: 4.5 | Unity of Command PC
All right, this is not really a WW2 game. It is more of just an Indie puzzle game with a WW2 theme. Very cheap and generic with little flexibility as far as creative strategy and tactics go. There are "levels" to complete as you advance your way to Stalingrad. It is somewhat similar to the old Panzer General games, but feels more like a puzzle game. If you can get it for $10 or less then it's worth it. It is not going to give you a true WW2 feel though as the units are very generic and your generalship skills are severely limited. You are given X number of turns to complete a level, typically 9 or less turns. It's a turn based game where there's a small handful of different types of units, but they really aren't all that unique or distinct. The supply chain concept is cool.