A fun challenge that rewards planning.

User Rating: 8 | Unity of Command PC
Overall this is an enjoyable game, providing a good challenge without being impossible. You will quickly learn to protect your supply lines or your forces will become bogged down and ineffective. Brilliant victories are very hard to achieve, but decisive victories are within reason. With careful planning I have been able to get decisive or brilliant victories within 1-3 tries, with some scenarios needing a little more effort. The UI is very good at making the necessary information available, but can be improved in a couple areas. Having different assets available in the scenarios provides a bit of variety. After taking some time to plan your initial strategy the turns play out fairly quickly. Unity of Command is a must buy if you enjoy a good turn-based strategy game.

For more info see: http://oneguytoomanygames.blogspot.com/#!/2012/01/review-unity-of-command_16.html