Perhaps the worst game of any generation ever in the history of matter.
First of all "Adventure" belongs no where NEAR the title of the game. It should instead be called, "Universal Studios Theme Park WASTE OF MY TIME".
The game is simply a collaboration of no more than 5 minigames. It also includes a pre-rendered cutscene of the waterworld "show" at universal Studios, which I could probably make better with my eyes closed.
The games are tedious, and truly a waste of time. just talking about the stupid game makes me feel bad inside. In fact, I have already wasted too much time talking about this wast of money.
Here's a suggestion: If you are considering buying this game, go outside and stab yourself in the neck with a garden hose, because that would be a much more productive use of your time.
NOTE: Under classification I had to put "Waste of time" because "Kill yoursellf before you play this game" was not available.
Thank You