Great concept, interesting units, story was on par... Execution just didn't make it...
The game seems solid enough in concept. You start off as the human race being absolutely annihilated by an extra-terrestrial force called The Hierarchy. Shortly after control switches to another advanced alien non-organic race called the Novus. Sadly, I didn't make it through the whole Novus campaign before I gave up. I will get to that in just a moment. First let me highlight what I experienced that this game did right:
Unique races: No standard "human class"
Unique abilities: Many of the units I got to use had abilities that were similar to what I've seen in other games, but all had their own flair and pizzazz which made them very unique.
Unique controls: The ability to just highlight a group of people with a controller the same way you would with a mouse and dragging a box was very ingenious. It would've worked well if not for…
The bad. Often you don't know who you have selected. I was sometimes grouping my "constructor " units (same as warcraft peons/peasants) with military units and sending them off to battle. You have to consistently hit "deselect units" (b button) after every command. That got old quick.
The biggest flaw to this game which turned me off was the fact it lagged. And not like when you get hit with the Zerg and you have 120 zerglings on the screen dipping your frame rate to 1. This game would lag with probably 20-40 units on the screen. Additionally the units were so small (especially as Novus) that it's hard to tell what's going on. An RTS game like this requires lightning quick reflexes and to have sudden and sharp frame rate drops like that is unacceptable. I did not even attempt to play online as I would've probably just gotten angry. So after the 6th mission I returned this heap.
Rent this is if: You don't mind game play challenges. Or you are an avid fan of sci-fi no matter how unplayable the game is…
Too bad, too. The concept seemed great. The follow through was just downright slop