If you played this card game in the past, you won't be disappointed, new players will find it an extremely fun card game

User Rating: 7.5 | Uno X360
One of the card games I played with my mom way back when I was a toddler, a very fun card game, much like crazy eights. I can remember almost every one of my friends owning a Uno card deck. The game itself can be played a number of different ways, and I was extremely happy to see that the Xbox360 version actually let you setup the rules. Mant of the rules were 'house' rules, so depending on whose friends house you were playing at you played by their rules. One of the biggest rules was the accumulation of 'pick up' cards and .. microsoft added that feature, kudos MS.. kudos. There are some nice online play options, and even though no-one has a camera, it's nice to think it works.

The Bad:
The gameplay is.. well a card game, it's pretty hard to mess up gameplay with a static card deck/game.
*** I have already had more then one crash playing Uno (Yes me personally, not second hand information from another user) & it happened not once but 3 times in 2 different sittings.
**The problem.. You play your turn, it highlights the next player... and all of a sudden people are yelling at you to make your move/take your turn... After explaining you have already taken your turn... you sit . hum & hah.. the solution.. YOU must leave the game! it will then proceed and let the remaining players continue their game.. after all that.. I was to say the least... Not Impressed.
* After we spend 'points' to play. I do have an issue with them charging us extra money (Microsoft points.. lets be open and honest .. its Money! just becuse it says M$ points- it almost fools the mind into believing your only spending play pretend M$ Money) for the anniversary pack.

But even after all that, it is still a fun and addictive game to play.