If you played this card game in the past, you won't be disappointed, new players will find it an extremely fun card game
The Bad:
The gameplay is.. well a card game, it's pretty hard to mess up gameplay with a static card deck/game.
*** I have already had more then one crash playing Uno (Yes me personally, not second hand information from another user) & it happened not once but 3 times in 2 different sittings.
**The problem.. You play your turn, it highlights the next player... and all of a sudden people are yelling at you to make your move/take your turn... After explaining you have already taken your turn... you sit . hum & hah.. the solution.. YOU must leave the game! it will then proceed and let the remaining players continue their game.. after all that.. I was to say the least... Not Impressed.
* After we spend 'points' to play. I do have an issue with them charging us extra money (Microsoft points.. lets be open and honest .. its Money! just becuse it says M$ points- it almost fools the mind into believing your only spending play pretend M$ Money) for the anniversary pack.
But even after all that, it is still a fun and addictive game to play.