A great third person shooter online or off.
The main rift of Liandri Conflict is to fight in matches against bots (or humans online) in a blood sport using dirrfent guns in 3rd or 1st person modes. But newly added to The championship is a melee combat system that almost steals the show.
A character can hold only two guns, and cannot switch during a battle. Only ammo can be picked up for either your explosive gun or your energy gun. Melee costs no ammo and is for the most part efficient.
Playing against bots can start to get annoying, especially when they melee you. It seems you must hit them way too many times and they only have to hit you once.
The other problem that I have is the unbalanced characters. Some have health that is so low it's pathetic while others have lots of health and one hit kill melee.
You can also pick up adrenaline during a match that boosts up you adrenaline bar. Which then can be used for various specials (6 per character) and differ from increased speed to healing and shields. The game is done well and, although I don't have LIVE, I would imagine it would be pretty fun. And if your getting it to play as a single or split screen, I suggest that you rent it once or twice, for it gets repetive rather fast.