Definately a game worth purchasing if you're a newcomer to the Unreal series or a long-time fan.

User Rating: 8.4 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
Overall, Unreal Championship delivers heart-pounding thrills in all forms on or offline. There is a present campaign type mode centered around the Nakhti Ascension Rites and your warrior's struggle to win. The gameplay is pretty standard for the Unreal series except for one not so minor adjustment. 3RD PERSON VIEW! Just kidding. That's minor. MELEE WEAPONS! YEAH! Personally I dislike the melee stuff but it makes for a whole new experience. Also, you pick your armament at the start of the game from only EIGHT different weapons as opposed to the 10-15 from the previous Unreal games. Everything else is the same basically. The graphics are pretty good but nothing eye-bleedingly good or seizure-inducing. The sound effects are as realistic as the future will get and theres relatively good voice acting although I've seen better. The game offers lots of different ways to slaughter opponents with different mutators, characters, weapons, combos, powerups, and adrenaline leading to an overall fun and fast-paced killfest. AND there's online play with up to 8 players. If you have a spare $69 Canadian go to EB Games and pick it up.