User Rating: 9.4 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
Unreal championchip is a very addictive game the campaign mode is about thirty hours including the tournements and chalenges. But this game is all about the xbox live. of coruse this is a solid game without the xbox live but you will probably have the most fun fraging people online. Whats new to the game is the adition of a third person view mele combat and fatality like ku da gras. For all you mortal kombat fans Raiden is a unlockable charecter and you have the option of listening to the mortal kombat anouncer instead of the unreal anouncer. But Raiden is very hard to get you have to be very good to get Raiden and if you use him online it would intimedate a lot of people. But in the end Unreal championchip 2 may not be as good as resident evil 4 or god of war but it is probably the best xbox live game out on the market so all you people with xbox live go get this game.