They have tried something new, and succeeded.

User Rating: 9.5 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
First-person shooters are pretty unoriginal these days. They just seem to base their gameplay on the tried and tested formula-the Halo one. But Unreal 2 offers something different for all of those halo-heads. Unreal Championship 2 proved to be mighty popular with Xbox owners, so trying something so different for the next installment was always going to be something of a challenge. Luckily everything new added into this game is perfect. The adrenaline moves, the melee mode-brilliant. Unreal championship 1 was a ballsy blaster that did exactly what it said on the tin-if you have the bigger gun, chances are you'll win. No strategy required. Unreal Championship 2, however, takes the series ina new direction, forcing the player to think tactically. If you play teh way you played when you had Unreal 1 then you will die. Many times. But if you open your mind a little, then you will see a game that is much better. There are 8 guns-that's right, ONLY 8 GUNS. and you will only be able to choose 2 of these in-game. But that's the fun of it. This will force you to practise with a gun and eventually become a master of it. I had the old Unreal and loved it more than any game I owned. So when I bought this one I thought-"oh no-they've ruined it." I put it in the cupboard and left it for a while. Then one day I took it back out and gave it another chance. After testing out the old Shock Rifle-Ripjack combo I found myself liking it even more. I played it for ages after and I am still playing it now. They haven't ruined the old format, despite what some might say. They have tried something new, and have pulled it off 100% brilliantly. I could go into some problems with the game, but I must say there are none that really stand out. The modes of play are great and so are the customisations within these modes. Honestly, if you don't own this game already then I suggest you buy it.