Easily my favorite Xbox Live game right now. Highly recommended.

User Rating: 9.8 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
This game is off the hook. At first you may be wondering why they decided to opt for a third person view of your character for an Unreal game, but they pulled it off great and it works flawlessly. You have great control over your character and it was never an issue from the first time I loaded the game up.

The graphics are outstanding in this game and it has some of the best level design I have EVER seen in an online game. Each level has a unique theme and layout and is set up perfectly for online Deathmatch. This is eye candy at its finest. I'm just impressed everytime I play by the different maps and their awesome graphics.

But there's much more to this game than simply graphics. The gameplay is outstanding. They keep things simple. You pick your character then pick what type of weapon upgrades he or she can get. Probably the most surprising and welcome addition is the melee combat. You can switch to melee combat and get up close and personal with your intended target. It works really well and doesn't feel awkward at all. Hats off to the developers for making a stellar game.

Even offline the game is fun even if you play with just bots, which is what I initially did before I hopped online with it, but I've been hooked by this game ever since.

Bottom line, Unreal Championship 2 is a must have for any Xbox Live owner. You can't go wrong with this game. It is simply that amazing.