The best Unreal title to date??

User Rating: 7 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
I have now been playing Uc2 for the past half a year. And because of that ive learnt alot of the tricks.

Firstly ill talk about the online, this is my only doubt about the game. Uc2 can be a very hard one online, it has its great moment and bad moments... The lagg is what causes this. In a british host the lagg is fine but if your playing someone across the seas your looking at over a second of latency. So i advise getting a good freinds list of players around your area and stick to playing with them. Also the player count of 8 limits the game a bit but its good it was in there or lagg would just be crazy. But if your looking for a cheap online game now i advise not getting this game as there is a MAX!! of 15 players on at a time, and these players are the veterans who stuck around and cant pull their selfs away.
overall very fun onlne if you ever find any player and ever find a non-laggy server.


As usual the graphics are superb.... but if you do get close up the textures are very pixelated. this could be due to the fact its running on the xbox hardware though. Apart from the textures everything else is top notch. The charecter models have a high poly count even the projectiles (ie: Rockets, Bio wad, Flack
Shells) have a high poly count. The lighting engine is as good as UT2004 and there are certain effects in Uc2 that are not even in UT2004. This is because the developers know what the xbox can run, and they dont have a minimum system requirements to cater to. These effects include motion blur, water distortion and so on. Over all very good graphics

Balanced?.... No. Two weapons dominate this game. Rocket launcher and shock rifle. All the other weapons require 2 or more hits for a kill (apart from the bio rifle) This means your not likely to see a VERY good player without using this weapon set. That said there are many "unfair things to use" including host sniper and host rejections. A rejection is basicly when you use your melle weapon to bat your opponents missiles back at them, and on your own host you can time each rejection perfectly and get easy kills. Even the most veteran player can get destroyed by host rejection. But putting the "cheap" things aside the movement speed is great, the health packs are distributed very well around the map, and the maps offer great oppertunities for those "montage" shots. Due to the fact you can do sooooo much cool stuff in the game it kept me there and i learned to cope with the "cheap" tactics. Overall its unblanced but very enjoyable.

Alot better than previouse unreal titles. The weapons actualy sound powerful
now and give a more immersive feel. Thats all i can realy say on the sounds.
Overall very, very good sounds that you have to hear for your self.

A exellent additon to the unreal series but it lacks that killer online play that made other unreal games.