This is one of the best games for the xbox besides Halo and was extremely looked over !!!!!
User Rating: 10 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
The Gameplay in Liandri Conflict is fast paced and extremely fun. It lives up to its pc counterpart with new innovations for the series like melee weapons and and a somewhat good single player. The graphics in UC2 are some of the best on the original xbox. The sound is also great, the weapons sound awsome and the UT anouncer is just fantastic. The game has tons of value because of the online obviously and that is definatly the best part of the game. to just get on and frag your friends is great. The only complaints i have with this game is the lack of variety in the weaons. There are only 8 but what a great 8 they are so it doesnt matter that much. This game was great and the sad part is that it was looked over for the most part.