Before Halo 2 came along with its online multiplayer Unreal Championship was king

User Rating: 9.6 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
This game is a port of UT 2K3 and it is very good. This is my first experience with the Unreal series and I never thought that it would be this addicting. The controls are top notch and everything else is there. There is downloadable levels, and xbox live multiplayer, and nothing i repeat nothing is more fun than playing eight people in a level made for one on one. I rule at the link gun. I found the single player bot battles more fun than the online experience though, i am the same way with UT 2K4 and counter-strike. I think thats because if i want a challenge I can make the enemies hard, but if i want some casual FPS gaming I can make the enemies easier. Even without xbox live this is a must have to play with your friends because its only like 7 bucks used. If you own an xbox pick this game up because its fun by yourself or with friends