User Rating: 9 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
UC has to be the best console adaptation of a pc shooter ever graphics wise, but I'll get to that later. I'll start with the gameplay. Gameplay: It frickin' rocks! The controls feel so tight and so responsive you forget the better mouse and keyboard controls of the pc. There are a lot of mutators to pick from plus XBOX LIVE! Graphics: Like I said at the beginning of my review the best adaptation of a pc shooter ever. The framerate is smooth (most of the time), the textures are crisp, the characters have good animations, and the level design is great. But there are a few shortcomings. The framerate sometimes bogs down when more than 5 enemies get on screen and start blasting away at each other, but this is easliy forgivable considering all the hell that's breaking loose in front of you. Also the graphics look terrible in 3 and 4 player splitscreen. Sound: The weakest part of all the Unreal games. On a $1000 sound system that's 600 watts and has 4, 6 inch subwoofers the weapons and explosions don't pack all that much of a punch. But the biggest offender in the sound department are the taunts, they are repetative! But other than that they're okay. Value: It's ten bucks now. What else should I say here?