Innovating, a masterpiece that gives delight to even the biggest xbox haters!
We mix it up a bit, and we go for more realistic but actually fictional, see it through the eyes, see your gun up close, violent games called first person shooters. Classic entertainment, for the biggest xbox and FPS haters. Unreal Championship takes away all of those hateful thoughts and puts "WOW" and "Holy Crap!" into those minds and mouths of the haters. Unreal Championship owns any other multiplayer game, either a campaign/multiplayer game or a multiplayer based game. Even though UC doesn't show it through a clear environment, the environment is amazing and creative for those little space scientists. Making it a little story on the side, EPIC felt that they should show and tell that this game is a sport and not just a thing that happens in someone's backyard. Putting a story behind it opened up a future for it's series. You saw it or will see it in UC2. A story based multiplayer made game that puts it on the top.