The King is here, The king is here. Make way, Make way!
User Rating: 7.5 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
Hello my royal subjects. It is good to be here and come back to the unreal Universe where I belong. Now I love unreal tournament and all the unreals. This one offered lots of fun and excitement but just didnt deliver on some levels. IT was really great but I just felt like something was missing. I cant put my finger on it. YOu know how you make a sandwitch and it tastes so good and your mouth is watering, but you just feel like a bit of flavor is missing. Thats how you can describe it.
This game offers great solid gameplay bringing you back to the old days of unreal, however it fell just a little short of perfection and just missed it by a mile. I still recommend this game as a unreal fan for many years, and also if your just into first person shooters then I also say you need it for your collection. All in all the game is pretty sexy and offers itself as a solid game.