Read this, and you wil know what I think about this game, and my opinion ALWAYS counts!:)

User Rating: 8.3 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
I had very high expectations for this game, because of its predecessor: "Unreal Tournament", which was simply awesome! The basics was the same, and the control was easy to learn.
The level design isn't as exciting and cool, as last time, but fine enough.
The graphics itself is definitely better than last time, but it has it's price. Cause sometimes when there is to many on screen, and to much action, it lacks a bit. But it is not to annoying, and for most of the times quickly over.
The sound design is great, and there is still the thing, where people end up taunting each other, after a kill, and you have that option as well.

The gameplay is again great. Although,you do not have the same thrill as last time, when you blast someone with your rocket launcher, but it is definitely fun, to see how the blood sprays, when you shot someone with your mini-gun.
I'm not to sure, if you could this last time, but when you are in team, you can command your troops, which is pretty cool.

This all makes for a great game. Although, not as thrilling as Tournament, but still great.

BTW I haven't yet played it online, so I cant say anything about that.