A great run and gun single player experience killed by mods and cheats on XBOX Live.
User Rating: 8.2 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
I loved this game on multi-player with friends and going through single player. The difficulty provided a really great challenge, and I was really looking forward to this game back when I first got live. The controls, weapons, and options were all great. However, cheats and mods killed this game quickly on XBOX Live and I can only pray it is remedied when the next installment comes out. I enjoyed this game so much and loved pumping up the difficulty of the AI and playing. It was almost like you were not playing A.I. on some really simple, yet fun levels. The selection of multi-player games was not lacking at all. When I went on live, I found myself shooting players with rail guns, grenade guns, etc...only to find them not dying. I understand there are over shields and health upgrades, but some of the experiences I had playing the game, proved that it had been modded. Unfortunately, when the game took off and should have hit its stride, gamers came along and killed the life it could have had.
The value on this game was tremendous when I bought it though. I got it for $20.