With a name like unreal it has to be good. Or maybe not.....
The bad: in world graphics are awful, ai is not very smart, lots of lag in splitscreen multiplayer
First off unreal championship is pretty much a copy of unreal tournament with large deathmatchs and crazy weapons.
There is no story what-so-ever the single player.
The single player can be good if you are just looking to kill time or just want to beat the singleplayer.
And in the single player you can create your own team by choosing one of the many characters to choose from and choosing who you want to fight by your side during team deathmatchs is nice.
The single player is just basically a bunch of challenges for you to try and complete them with games like 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, capture the flag,double domination which is you and your teammates holding 2 or more areas for a certain amount of time then you score, and bombing run which is sorta like capture the flag except a bomb starts in the middle of the map and each team has a goal ring on their own side and to score you have to take the ball to the other teams goal ring and jump through it to score sorta like a violent game of basketball.
The multiplayer is pretty much the same as single player except you can play with up to 4 players on splitscreen with bots or you could play online with live. And it also has the same game modes and characters to choose from, and about 10 maps to choose from its not a lot but the maps are pretty big.
The one odd thing i found about this game is that in singleplayer there is almost no lag even during big shootouts but in multiplayer splitscreen there is almost always lag even with no action going on and on live there was only very little lag during the big battles which i found very weird since you would expect the lag to be online and not in splitscreen and because of the amount of lag it makes the splitscreen almost unplayable.
The gameplay is good not great there are lots of big battles but the singleplayer tends to be more boring than the multiplayer and on both (single player and multiplayer) you can get adrenaline pills and once it gets up to 100 you can press the D-pad to activate power ups like run faster, invisibility, regeneration(the ability to gain health back), berserk power (makes weapons more powerful) with these powerups it makes it feel like a all out chaos shooter which can be good some times. There are also commands to tell your "squad during team game modes like defend, free roam and attack.
There are around 15 weapons each with their own type of "bullet" it shoots the most noteable are probably the shock rifle and the rocket launcher, and each weapon has a secondary fire.
The graphics are not good and even for being made in 2002 is no excuse, the character models and weapons look fine but the world graphics are just down right something to puke at and the world graphics are probably the main reason for lag in the multiplayer.
The sound is fine nothing extraordinary each weapon
has its own sound, the AI characters sometimes shout taunts at each other while fighting which is a nice touch, im pretty sure there is music i have just never noticed it.
So overall aside from the in world graphics and the lag in the multiplayer this game is for you as long as you can look past the faults in the game.
Singleplayer: 7.9/10
multiplayer: 8.5/10
Graphics: 7.7/10
sound: 8.2/10
gameplay: 8.0/10
tilt: 7.8/10
replay value: 8.6/10
funnessfactor: 8.5/10
overall score: 8.3/10 (this is the score i would have given the game if gamespot had not gotten rid of its old rating system)