This is a port of Unreal Tournament 2003 going onto the Xbox. So with the good parts and the bad, UC is around the middle. All of the Unreal weapons from the multi-barrel rocket launcher to the shock combo of the shock rifle are here in all of their bloody glory. The full complement of bots is excellent with their changeable difficulty and ability to put up a good fight. The character stats make your avatar seem different instead of just a generic character. The locales which you fight in are interesting and varied. All the usual gametypes are here, from deathmatch to capture the flag; however, the new gametype of bombing run is as fun as a futuristic football while double domination might as well be a take on a territory holding gametype. Some of the flaws of being a port hurt this title just a bit. Like UT 2003, there is just no real attempt at the story plot which is a futuristic gladiator fighting in arenas for their freedom, and the only points that tell you this are the opening cinematic and arena descriptions. The framerate tends to lag a bit especially with multiple rockets flying around. The graphics are a lower resolution than its PC brother but are not a problem. The general point is that this is multiplayer focused first person shooter for Xbox live with some good old bots thrown into the mix.
Other Helpful Reviews for Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection)
The first time I saw Unreal Championship played,I thought it was just a Quake 3 wannabe,but I was soon corrected by buying the game and playing it for myself. Although Unreal Chamionship may have some similarities to ... Read Full Review
Unreal Championship is more or less a port of Unreal Tournament 2003 for Xbox. Now for those who haven't played Unreal Tournament before, it is a FPS game that works with arena style rules. There are several game modes: ... Read Full Review