Its an alright game but doesnt hold up its value.

User Rating: 8 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
Back in the year of 2002 and the month of November this was one of the launch titles for xbox live. And even then,this game just didn't have the magic touch of some exceptional FPS's. It got boring fast and i only play this game sometimes with my friends. The single player is OK. It'll keep you entertained,but really we want to know hows the multiplayer right? Its not that great either. Although DM,TDM and CTF are still fun to play in multiplayer these days,this game doesnt have that fun touch,and there isnt much teamplay involved (there can be,but even that is very simplistic) its not as tactical Battlefield or just as fun as Halo. Since its cheap now its a decent buy but you'd probably prefer Mechassault or Rainbow Six 3 now.