easy to pick up and play, but easier to put back down.

User Rating: 6.8 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
When I first bought this game I loved it more than any game in my collection. I couldn't stop talking about it for a solid two weeks. My Live didn't work at that point, so my mind wasn't open to the vast opportunities that online multiplayer could give you. So, when my Live was fixed, I of course straight away popped Halo 2 into the disk tray, just to see what all the fuss was about. After really enjoying it, I played it again, and again, and again...
Months later, I'm searching my shelf for other games to play on Live-and I come across Unreal Championship. I get really excited about what my old favourite game might have in store for me. So, I pick up my pad and begin to play. I was hugely disappointed with what I found-the bugs that I ignored before I played Halo 2 were now glaring me in the face. This was awful. The lag was terrible, there was no skill to it, and the balance between weapons was just stupid. It was a case of whoever had the bigger weapon won. In Halo 2 I could be carrying a Sword and still managed to get owned by a guy with a puny needler. In Unreal Championship, though, when I got the big guns out, I was unstoppable for a full five minutes-no skill required.
Since then I have tried the single player game again. It's just not the same. I feel that other (better) shooters have clouded my rose tinted glasses towards this game. DAMN YOU HALO 2!