easy to pick up and play, but easier to put back down.
Months later, I'm searching my shelf for other games to play on Live-and I come across Unreal Championship. I get really excited about what my old favourite game might have in store for me. So, I pick up my pad and begin to play. I was hugely disappointed with what I found-the bugs that I ignored before I played Halo 2 were now glaring me in the face. This was awful. The lag was terrible, there was no skill to it, and the balance between weapons was just stupid. It was a case of whoever had the bigger weapon won. In Halo 2 I could be carrying a Sword and still managed to get owned by a guy with a puny needler. In Unreal Championship, though, when I got the big guns out, I was unstoppable for a full five minutes-no skill required.
Since then I have tried the single player game again. It's just not the same. I feel that other (better) shooters have clouded my rose tinted glasses towards this game. DAMN YOU HALO 2!