Very good! but no vehicles, bummer.

User Rating: 9 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
I am a great fan of the unreal franchise, everything about UC screamed to me "get it!!!" i did get it quite soon, but it was a while after we got an xbox. i dont have live, so i cant talk about my experiences there, but every other aspect of the game fills up.

My only dissapointment was the lag, and lack of verhicle, but it makes up with huge levels, bots which are quite smart, unlike some games, which i wont criticize now.

As an xbox gamer i love fps games, which happen to be my absolute favorite other than certain rpgs that i have played in the past years.

i think almost every fps outta have some selectoin of vehicles, even if they are like on a rail, but those arent always fun, but the developers took out the vehicles, noooo!!!!!!, that is what made tournament, people! but that is why this is champoinship, of course.

each level plays different, sometimes, you will wish that you were a robot or a mercenary, while in the double dominatoin i also wished i could be a juggernaut or nightmare, thing.

of the 6 game modes available one of the best is easily bombing run, it involves grabbing the bomb from the middle of the map, then taking it deep into your enemies base and either shooting it or running in with it. of course you dont get killed or anything funny, you just drop the bomb and get more points.

all in all UC is a great game, so if you havent already bought it, do it soon.