Unreal is right!
The gameplay in this game is pretty good. There is a couple of different ways to play. There is the single player mode where you make a team of players and go through different branches for the TDM,CTF,DD,and Bomb Run. These are all great modes and all of the branches have around 6 or 7 matches each. Eevn though there is all of this great stuff in single player it will only take a couple of hours to beat. The multiplayer is another great thing about game. You can,like in most FPS games, system link or just connect 4 other players. Another great thing about this multiplayer also means that there is X Box live so if you are "the best" you can get online and prove yourself the best. Ypu can have more than one profile in the game but you most likely won't want to play through the game another time but you may need to create more for multiplayer.
The graphics in UC ae actually really good. even though the game came out a couple of years ago the graphics are really good. The levels are the best thing to look at in the game. There are alot of these levels but some may have had some more but the details in some levels like the Temple of Anbus have alot of detail such as giant statues and other things in the levels. one thing that makes me think though is if they could have all this amazing detail is why when you step in the water it look like a blog is in them. But otherall really strong graphics.
The sound in the game is kinda enjoyable but why can't they make some of the people shut up! I mean you could get a couple of kills and then get killed and you will here someone taunting you, A.I. or on Multiplayer. The background music could have had some work on. There is VOs in the game but they aren't really done that well. I would have to say that the sound is the weakest part in the game.
Overall this is a great FPS and I bought it for $4.99 so you won't be losing to much if you don't like the game. You should pick it up if you like the Unreal games.