Good but not great
User Rating: 7.5 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
Unreal Championship is good, but definitely not great. It has some fun moments but is severly lacking in a storyline and has no multiplayer, which is a huge loss. The single player campaign consists of different arenas in whcih you must outkill the opponenets or win in capture the flag or other types of matches. It is similar to Quake in both the gameplay and the structure of the the campaign, but is definitely the inferior of the two. The difficulty is'nt too hard but won't be too eazy either. The gameplay itself is ,once again, good but not great. It is a first person shoot em up and stealth is certainly not necessary, or ever used. Instead, you have you your guns blazing and hop around trying to kill as many opponents as possible. The damage is certainly not realistic but the game as a whole isn't meant to be realistic, it is more of a cartoonish shoot em up. If you're a big fan of such games you may want to give this one a try, but don't except andything exceptional.