One of the best shooters on Xbox and a must own for shooter fans and Unreal fans.
The guns are diversed and they are not favorable. Which ever weapon you train with is what ever weapon youre good with, so you favor the wepons. The rocket isnt a noobie weapon on this game, it is a weapon that requires skill and some thinking to use, though most new players will just launch it off imcredible inaccuracy. Unlike the Halo series though, where your supposed to be using weapons situationally and tactical strategy (yeah right as if anyone does, that why I can sit in the corner with a shotun and get 30 kills) to outsmart and outwit youre opponent. Certain areas of the maps on UC, dont have an advantage if you are facing a more skilled fighter.
Thought the graphics seem pushed aside a little bit, but the controls and gameplay make up for it.
I would reccomend picking this game up.