Oh, bless it's little heart. Underrated, maybe?

User Rating: 7.5 | Unreal II: The Awakening XBOX
This game reminds me of the idiot sibling you hide in your closet when people come over, but then when they're gone, you pull him out for laughs. I honestly enjoyed this game. The graphics were a bit muddy, and the characters in the game looked like they had epilepsy when they walked toward me, but I honestly feel that it had a very good storyline. The gameplay was fun, and the guns were entertaining.

As said before, the AI is less than perfect. They're pretty much cannon fodder for your amusement, although, they pretty much negate the purpose of the sniper rifle, as their erratic movement sometimes makes it hard to shoot them up close with a friggin shotgun. They remind me of the Flood from Halo on crack. But, it just made it that much more fun killing them.

The graphics, although certainly not the best, were OK. The environments were pretty nice to look at, although it really fit the cliche of all these other games I've played. Want an ice planet? Got it. Want a desert planet? Got that too. Want a Jungle? How about a swamp? Check and check.

Regardless, they were still fun to look at. But the absence of any radar or nav point of any kind made it difficult sometimes to figure out where to go, especially since some of the environments are so big. I found out from personal experience, that if you don't keep your eye on where your marine buddies are going in the swamp level, you might just be lost for good.

I also found that the weapon changing system was a little akward. When I had a Skaarj running at me while I still had a rocket launcher in my hands, he'd start slicing me when I tried to change to my shotgun, and by the time I got to it, he would have taken half my shield away and some of my health.

In any event, the voice acting was good, if not a little broken, the story was intriguing, and the overall experience might keep me coming back to play again from time to time. It was pretty fun blasting through loads of enemies with huge guns, and the few missions where I had to set up a perimeter with turrets and defense shields, it felt pretty hectic.

Of course, there's no multiplayer, but it's always fun to do the co-op with a friend. Double the pleasure, double the fun. Then again...I might think differently if I actually paid for it. My brother in law gave it to me for my birthday, and I thought it was gonna suck, but I was pretty surprised. There are better shooters; shooters with better graphics, and better tactics, and better AI. But sometimes you just need a good dumb shooter for the sole purpose of blowing stuff up. and this one provides quite well.