Best first person shooter I have ever played!
The gameplay: The gameplay is so action packed and so thrilling, that it will keep you playing for alot more then 6 monts!!!! With all of the different game modes and pick the weapons in the battle, there is an unlimited amount of possiblilites to have fun!
The graphics: The graphics are pretty good for unreal tournament, the explosions are realistic, weapons are pretty realistic looking,etc. The only problem that i had were the triangle-shaped faces and if you were to look at a team mate up close, who would be holding a rocket launcher, it would look like the rocket launcher is 2 feet long!But besides that, graphics rock.
Sound: Sound is pretty good, some pretty good and memorable tracks, good blood gushing sounds and death crys. The tracks weren't that good, but they were still ok.
Value: This game is worth full price! You get unlimited customizable battles, very addicting gameplay, lots of action and thrills that will make you want to pay triple for this game.
Tilt: Ummmmm... I guess the tilt is good, everything functions properly, i didn't find any flaws what so ever and/or glitches, and the crosshair is not to accurate and not to ummm.. what's the word, well let's just say that at least a rocket doesn't miss a guy if it's 2 feet away. The crosshair is in the middle of those 2 categories.
Overall, Unreal Tournament should not be missed by any first person shooter addict, pc gamer, gore lover, or anyone that just loves a kick-a** game.