"Should be Included in PC setup disks along with Word"

User Rating: 8.5 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
This game in the most incredible bargain you will ever find. Since it has been out for quite a while it will not be hard to find this game for a very cheap price. Its easy to install and incredibly easy to get into. It clearly revolutionized the shooter genre. Before Unreal i had never really tried many shooters but after a short death match bot game i was hooked. Spending countless hours beating the single player "story" was a blast and then it only get better when you set up your own games with your own rules. The replay ability is incredible and the community has grown to be one of the best for any PC game. With downloadable levels and mods that even computer novices can install this game will have you yearning to learn programming code in no time. Playing online is a blast with friends. If you can LAN then it makes it all the better. The old look and sound effects may turn some new age shooter fans away but that is a mistake. Play this game at least once and you will be hooked. Objective team - Everyone for themselves death match you name it this game has it. It's what every online shooter should hope to be.