If you have the right controller, this game is the God of Dreamcast
User Rating: 10 | Unreal Tournament DC
*Following review done from gameplay with Panther DC Controller* Unreal Tournament... one of the two big FPS games that exist for the DC, the other being Quake 3 Arena. While I think Quake has a higher fun factor in my book, UT is a much more well-rounded & strategic FPS, IMO. Gameplay- Now, this will vary on the controller u use. I use the Panther DC, which just equalizes you with the CPU controlled characters, because its just that good of a controller (flightstick & trackball combo). I can play inhuman mode with this and while still have a HUGE challenge, I don't get just cheesily massacred. The CPU characters attack everyone evenly, and the game is just impressive. Graphics- One of the best looking games on the DC Sound- Vibrant sound, all fits the mood & actions done... though, its all the same 2 voices. Value- AWESOME GAME... 'nuff said Tilt (Replay)- I come back to it at least weekly