Unreal Tournament is Unreal...Oh how I love puns. Read my review to see why this is a classic for you on your Dreamcast.
When you start up the game you have these modes to go through. Practice is just you or with some friend versus the bots in any mode. Tournament, which is just you versus the bots in ladder matches.
Multiplayer which is segas online multiplayer. I was not able to play online because “Sega Net” no longer exists.
The game types are all that you would expect. You have Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Domination to Capture the Flag. Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch is what you would expect. (I’ll give you a hint: You kill people.) Domination is two teams (Red VS. Blue) fight for possession of several control points scattered throughout the maps. Capture the Flag starts off with the players being divided into two teams, Red and Blue again. Each team has a base with that they must defend. Points are scored for a team when a team member captures the opposing team’s flag, by bringing it back to the team’s base while their own flag is safely contained in the home base. If your playing offline with bots you can give them simple orders. The orders range from Defend, Hold this position, Attack and follow me.
The graphics for Unreal tournament look pretty good for a Dreamcast game. It isn’t the greatest looking game but isn’t the worst. It looks like a low version of a PC game of today.
The sound in this game is all right. Some of the sounds sound bland. But others like some of the gun sounds sound awesome. In this version of Unreal you have 12 weapons. That may not sound like a lot of guns, but almost all have a secondary fire. All weapons feel fun and feel like they give some serious pain.
This game also packs over 60 maps of “Gladiator Blood Sport” fun. The maps feel all different. Some on earth while some in space give you some different strategies. There is bound to be at least a couple favorite maps for each friend that comes over and plays this game.
Playing with a friend in this game is always fun. Even though the frame rate can dip from time to time it is still manageable. There is nothing like getting a headshot on a friend and then hearing “Headshot” out of the TV just to rub it in more. Its fast paced game play makes it a fun run and gun game. Playing friends to just playing with the bots I always have fun with this game. So go pick this game up when you get a chance. Unreal Tournament is Unreal.