User Rating: 9.1 | Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVD Version) PC
This game proves to be a wonderful addition to the Unreal Universe. The gameplay is smooth and the built in communication features make coordinating with team members or talking trash with opponents an intense amount of fun. Also, the addition of onslaught style play has proven to be an incredable amount of fun because it makes direct use of the communication features by forcing members to work together to attack and defend stratigic locations. The graphics look excellent and the maps are beautifully designed to enhanse the action. The ambiance of the game varies from level to level and there are some really interesting locations. Some onslaught maps are so big that utilization of the vehicles are almost a necessity if you want to see any action at all. Overall, this game provides the right type of team play and excellent mechanics to provide for a fun bit of FPS action to keep a night interesting.