This is one of the best pc games around, with TONS of play varity it will have u hooked for a wile.
first its specs
i have a fairly good computer but this game is compatible enof with crappy computers.
The graphics are actully pretty good. Not gears of war good. But in some maps you will get distracted by how nice all the lighting and textures look you cant help but stare
its one of the most stable games iv ever played. I havent found one bug at all. and all the menues and very easy to use and the mods are easy to set up. not liek in other game like half life, which is a great game, but if a server has a server side mod up, its hard to accesse the stuff you have to go in to the console and bind things ect. NOT in ut2004 its all easy and every thing is explained on teh screen, like wut button press ect.
the controls are perfect. and can of course be cahnged. All the veichles drive well, and arent gonna be all out of control. the online is very easy to get goin on
for ppl who arnt really into online play, dont instantly look the other way at this game. UT2004 still has a very well desginged and very stable single player. It starts pretty basic, just playing some death match rounds, but then leads into creating a team from a roster of differnt charaters all with differnt traits and ablitys, and entering a tournament. Now in some games you get a team and it usally sucks, and you can beat the game with out them. Not in ut2004 you'r team is actully really helpfull, you can give them comands, assing them to differnt postions like offence, or support. It makes you feel like you are playing with real ppl in a tournament, your team even communicates with you, telling you about enemies or just to say u suck. When you win a match, you get money, witch you can spend to fix team mates injuryies or new team mates. The ai is pretty intelligent even tho u do still have to play, its unlikely u will win by just standing around.With all the diffent modes to play and unlock, you have hours of game play. Aside from the story mode there is also instant action. If you get the editors choice pack, you get tons of modes of play. I have had this game for over a year and still have not fully played every mode. There is a lot from onslaut, which is where you get a base and so dose the other team of "bots" and your team works to take over nodes on the feild and eventully destory the otehr teams. You get tons of veichles from tanks to flying raptors you team can jump in some of the vehicles with you which is also fun. THe controls are very even you will never seem stuck and every thing flows so niclely. There is other modes like death match, ctf, assault, which is kinda like a mission mode. In every mode there is tons of guns, some have guns others dont, but its always fun, and with certin movement combos you can excute special power ups or just pick some up. its tons of fun and all by our self
but then of course there is the multiplayer
its fun LOTS OF FUN! with all the same modes, but now with real ppl and the ablity to use a mic to talk to ppl. Its amazing how well laid out every thing is and easy to use. For example fo the mic option u just hold f to talk, but u can even controll who u are talking to by pressin v you can chose to talk to every one or jsut ur team, or play taunts the same way. use the F keys you can easly see the score board or you personinal stats. And servers can even make there own mods to the modes of play. For example on the invasion mode there is a rpg mod where you get stats to add to ur charater and turn him into some super guy. Or you can download user made mods that are like completly differnt games
this game is tons of fun
i highly recommend it