The GREATEST FPS game i've played so far.
The are tons of maps to play in that even if you are playing the tournament for the fifth time, you’ll never get bored. The maps are very detailed and graphics are GREAT. The soundtracks in this game amazing, and I really like it when the announcer says: DOMINATING, GOD LIKE, etc. I actually laughed my head off when I first heard him say: HOLY ****
The assault mod in this game feels like a REAL mission, and is really great. The new mod ‘on-slaught’ (not sure I spelled it right) is also amazing, the maps ARE so huge that you’ll be stupid if you walk around, that’s what vehicles are for. The bad thing about this game is that most weapons are the same, except that they look better, there are of course, some amazing new ones like the ion painter. And, I don’t like the controls, playing with a keyboard and a mouse is not really great, although I haven’t tried a joystick with UT2004 yet.