User Rating: 9.8 | Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVD Version) PC
Ok, I bought it when it first came out, and was blown away. Gamespot's review got this right. If you own only 1 game to be played multiplayer/online, this is it. If you have the rig, turn all the graphical detail up, and you will not miss any DX9 details. I am reviewing it now because I have since played the FarCry demo, as well as Doom3 (Im about 1/2 through it). I just fired up UT 2k4 again, and the 'newness' still hasnt worn off. There are now twice the number of maps available for dl as were shipped with the game, and it bears mentioning that the game shipped with a massive number of maps, and that the fan maps are as good as any Epic or Atari ever released. Bottom line, friggin fraggin great game. You can get this new for $30 at most stores, and if I had to rebuild my admittedly-massive game collection, this would go in the cart first, before Doom 3, before even the excellent, awesome WC3, and even before Medieval: Total War, before, Freedom Force (the best game no one played), and before No One Lives Forever (second best game no one played, but the best fps I have ever played), and before Return to Castle Wolfenstein (rather maligned but basically in a tie with NOLF2 as best fps--both of these arer better than Doom 3). If you dont own it, you should.