excelent job out there! higly recommended game i love it ,good tech ,playability ,addiction ,sound,

User Rating: 9.8 | Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVD Version) PC
very addicted to the game ,it contains a poorly story ,but tons of action
amazing graphics that supports 64-bit effects technology
amazing sound ,connectivity ,community

i had to finish the game 4 times!!

but the new xan model is amazing
have to patch and pack game ,with lots of more fun

in the game you can find cool known and infamous modes (pluss mutators) like:

-team death-mactch

The game have a solid multiplayer and a singleplayer campaign ,really inmersive ,but like most fps storys and scripts not always are the best.

you have the need to see amazing graphics with an medium-high end machine.

but its highly recommended

i really love this game

with the first unreal tournament ,but there still missing things like:

fake a death ,enforcers ,more assault maps

highly recommended!!

exclent game!!