This game is hot hot hot! Got it when it first came out and still play it!
User Rating: 9.7 | Unreal Tournament 2004 (DVD Version) PC
UT 2004 is honestly my favorite 1st person fighting game. I got it when it first came out and still play it. I just now got the net on my own computer so now I play it online which is double the fun. The actual game is fun to play but the online is 10x more fun. It's a place to try out your skills and show others how you get down. I have been playing online now for a week and a day and I love it. This game allows you to pick your character and your team. Your team has qualification rounds and as soon as your team accepts you, you get to play the actual game. There is four different ladders and you must complete them in order to go on to the final qualifications which are quite a challenge. There are many different types of play including: deathmatch, team deathmatch, assault, onslaught, capture the flag, bombing run, and the possibilities are endless on online play. I recommend this game to anyone who has a neck for killing games.