I wanted this game so bad only to be disapointed after i bought it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Unreal Tournament III X360
this game mad me sad face. its fun lasts for and hour and then quickly gets only. the weapons in the game are the same since UT '04. the grafics often pop in on huge maps, and they take for ever to do. its amazing that epic can make a great game (gears of war) and a really S***y game (UT3). im mad i wasted 60 bucks on this.

THE CAMPAIN: cool opening movie. then you run a list of deathmatch and objective game types and there isnt realy and "story" to it...

INSTANT ACTION: basicly this is splitscreen and or play a game with bots. fun at 1st but gets old quick...and i mean QUICK

MULTIPLAYER: (xbox live) well you either suck or F***in' pwn. but it doesnt matter 'cuase it will suck either way. shooting people with rocketlaunchers and bio goo gets old too fun.

im sad cuase i really wanted this game but was disapointed to find out it sucked...

dont waste your money, please. if you really want it buy it from me for 40$