Unreal Tournament 3 is an old school and modern day gamers dream! This game is addicting and will keep you playing.
Unreal Tournament 3 has a campaign mode, which has a pretty interesting story to it. The campaign mode puts you in the shoes of Reaper, and you fight along side with your team of soldiers trying to save the world from extinction. The campaign isn't like other campaign or story modes in other games. You have to play a variation of game types, like Death Match, Warfare and Capture the Flag. Death Match in UT3 is just exciting period, Warfare mode requires you to take over and link a certain amount of nodes together. Which to take over enemy nodes you have to destroy them, or take your orbs to them, take them over, and make them yours. There are two types of Capture the Flag modes, regular and Vehicle. Vehicle is really fun considering the maps are huge and vehicles are just fun to drive period. Then there are a few types of death match modes. Including death match, duel (1 on 1) and team death match.
Another type of play is Instant Action, which is like a single player or split screen game option. Where you play with and against bots in any types of game modes on any map. Then there is the online play which is really fun, they really added a lot to this game and you'll defiantly get your money's worth with Unreal Tournament 3. And to make online and instant action more fun there are mutators you can add to the game which can make your team have big heads, or slow or speed up the game.
Unreal Tournament 3 has some pretty good graphics, and looks great with HD. The vehicles come in many varieties and are a blast to drive and makes for some pretty exciting CTF moments. One awesome thing about this game is that it has split screen, which most games seem to not have. And for people without xbox live and complete the story mode, it has bots, which can be really easy or very difficult depending on the difficulty setting. The only bad thing about UT3 is that it doesn't offer the mods like the PC and PS3 version has, and there are only 60 playable characters for multiplay. So chances are, your going to look like another play some time down the road.