If you like shooters, you need to play this.
Take Timesplitters 2, mix in the gears of war engine, add many vehicles, and you have Unreal Tournament 3. This game is such a fast paced shooter that you will be getting killed or getting a kill every 10 seconds or less.
In the game you run around an arena-like course much like in halo. You move very quickly in this game and will meet up with enemy opponents very quickly. As you kill players the announcer will be cheering you on. Double Kill, Multi-Kill, MEGA KILL... and so on as you get kills in succession. You can taunt other players, issue orders to bots and friends, but the speech in the game can be annoying. You need to press and hold the right D-PAD to speak. The game designers should have made this different. Since Down on the D-PAD is play-dead, you will often times see your character crash to the ground as you were trying to tell your teammate to help you out.
The story mode is basically a bunch of team deathmatches, CTF, and Warfare. There are about 5-6 total cutscenes in the entire story mode. Most of the story is described in your mission debrief, but you will have trouble understanding how playing "capturing the flag" will help you win a war. Warfare is an Unreal Tournament created game in which you work with teammates to capture nodes on the battlefield. Once you control enough of the nodes on the battlefield, the enemy's power core becomes vulnerable and you can destroy it. The games bots can be very challenging and almost unbeatable on the hardest difficulty. When you put the game on insane mode you will find yourself struggling to survive against crazy powerful robots who bounce off walls and use strategy to defeat you.
The weapons and the vehicles in the game are outstanding. The graphics on these guns are astonishing and beautiful and they kill other players in gruesome and delightful ways. A certain gun will shoot a disc that teleports you to the location in which you fired it. If an enemy is standing on the disc when you teleport, they will explode into tiny pieces!
The vehicles are equally amazing. One vehicle is a complete copy of the alien tripods in "War of The Worlds" by Stephen Speilberg. Even so, it is great fun climbing atop a nearby mountain, and reigning hell-beams on the enemy's base.
With a wide array of difficulty levels, the game will challenge the hardcore gamer, but will also be great fun for anyone looking to play a few casual games. The achievements are fun and also get you to play in multiplayer.
The game occassionally suffers from lag and freeze-ups, but the freeze-ups could be caused by a bad disc.
If you like first person shooters and like multiplayer, you can't go wrong with this game. Although the storyline is weak, the action is fun, and it has four player co-op, with 2-players max for split-screen. (Guests can play on XBOX live, as well)