Unreal Tournament® 3 has great graphics, detailed sounds and a campaign.

User Rating: 9 | Unreal Tournament III PS3
The Good:
The gameplay is fast and stays interesting • Users can load their own modifications for the game to the Playstation®3 with no limitations • The Unreal Tournament® 3 campaign is interesting in supposed story outcomes • Online matches are great.

The Bad:
The campaign in Unreal Tournament® 3 doesn't do the game or its pre-successors any justice • Characters cannot be fully modified like the PC version of Unreal Tournament® 3.

The Unreal Tournament® series has been a long known successful line of video-games, of cause due to the fact that it uses the Unreal Engine®. When you first start playing Unreal Tournament® 3, you will notice a campaign option on the main menu. The Unreal Tournament® 3 campaign is a fantastic tutorial for the new players of the Unreal Tournament® series or first-person shooter genre, so that they can take on the online human players with a lot of experience and stand a better chance at winning. The campaign will show you how to play each game mode there is to Unreal Tournament® 3, choosing some missions will also result in different outcomes in Unreal Tournament® 3, making the game either longer or shorter and easier or more difficult. Cards are also rewarded to you or your team when playing through the campaign for completing certain missions, giving you a advantage when playing the campaign, examples of these cards are, have more members on your team than the opposing team, get certain characters from other teams to be on your team, only you may use vehicles during this match. When talking about the online gameplay of Unreal Tournament® 3, we are stepping into a world of gameplay with different possibilities. Online lag has not been such a big nuisance when playing Unreal Tournament® 3, due to the Unreal Engine® using a low-resolution model for physics and the high-definition model for output to the screen, putting your bandwidth at ease. There has been a trophy update release for Unreal Tournament® 3, it's not too difficult, just time consuming. Unreal Tournament® 3 also has a LAN support for players who own two Playstation®3s or dare I say it, wants to make a first-person shooter tournament. Online gameplay has support for up to six-teen players, split-screen support for this game has also been added in the Titan DLC game pack, juicing-up the Unreal® experience for players who live under one roof.

Unreal Tournament® 3 is really worth the bargain if you are loyal to the first-person shooter genre and the Unreal Tournament® series, you will enjoy this title for years to come, no matter how old it is.