Game with many flaws, abandoned by Epic in favour of Gears of War 2.
The story consists of the various game modes played over and over ad nauseum split up by cut scenes.
The game features new vehicles belonging to the Necris which are fun to play with along with the set of rehashed "Human" vehicles which lack the power or fun of the new vehicles.
While Player matches appear plentiful, ranked matches online are few with games struggling to meet the required player count to start requiring a wait of at least half an hour before the match can start.
The game features no way to discern the ping or mutators being used by a host leaving the only option being to join game after game until a suitable host is found.
Also, the leaderboards are unaccessable online with the only way to view statistics being to play the game.
The official forums are confusing with the 360, PS3 and PC versions of the game sharing the same forum.
The game itself has many unacceptable problems like freezes, lag, lack of features and characters moving without touching the controller, also it doesn't appear that Epic has any intention of releasing a patch to fix or add to the game.
Overall, the game could be made better with a few updates but is only worth a hire at most.