MOTS for a great game -- Warfare is fantastic

User Rating: 7.5 | Unreal Tournament III PC
Sometimes there's no need to change a tried and true formula. The core of this game is solid, and has been for years. The new vehicles in Warfare mode are really, really cool, and with 32 players, it's like a FPS/RTS, UT-style, unlike anything else out there. Makes BF/BF2 look positively geriatric by comparison, in terms of exciting play.

The main problem is that the game is very crash-y, on a lot of systems, apparently, in MP mode -- you'll get a UT3.exe "hungapp" message on busy, high-pop servers almost every ten minutes, sometimes, and this makes the game a lot less fun to play for now, and totally screws up any validity to the leaderboard info.

If Epic figures out how to fix the problems, it'll be yet another UT to play for years to come. We'll have to see.