UT3 more of the same, not so great.

User Rating: 5 | Unreal Tournament III PS3
UT3 delivers, once again, it's usual shooting experience. Run around, pick up icons, spam your weapon fire, kill the other guy while hopping all over the place. The action, while it boasts bunny hopping fragfests, seemed very dated and unsatisfying. It was nothing more than any Quake game has done, it was less fun than any Half-Life deathmatch game.

Each time I used a weapon I never felt any power in my hands. I was going through the motions of shooting and picking up icons The fact that you can carry about 8 weapons at a time really takes the skill of having to shoot anyone precisely right out of the game. After playing war games where precise hits and bullet management is key to survival, I quickly remembered to bank shots off walls, bunnyhop shots at the ground, spam the rockets. Yawn!

The level designs were nothing really spectacular, however they do look very good. I've seen too many moon base tube corridor levels, death chambers and the like to excite me and the multiplayer online Node matches were the most boring experiences I have ever played. The Node maps are good size but all that space with no action going on in between Nodes made each trip from node to node like a car ride to your relatives homes during the holidays. Grandma's first, then Aunt's then my Cousins.Remeber that when you were a kid? I could never get more than 6 people at a time between 2 teams combined. So it seems it's deathmatch or team deathmatch that everyone wanted to play.

The single player campaign is an after thought, and UT has never been known for it's singleplayer, but enough with the cheesy dialogue and lousy story. Could someone show initiative? At this day and age of next gen gaming this feels like nothing special and nothing a PS2 or Xbox game could do, or has already done, with less eye candy.

As a matter of fact, even if you have a low end PC, you can pick up all the other versions of UT, Quake, Half-Life from years ago and have the same experience for less than $20.

If you want to pick this up to have a quick break between games your already playing, for an hour it will do the job. Other than that I couldn't think of playing this game full time.

I give it props for the graphics though, but that's not saying much as we are in HD gaming using high end consoles, this is expected by default.