A Real Disappointment

User Rating: 4 | Unreal Tournament III PS3
This game was supposed to be awesome according to all the hype it was getting. Now granted the graphics are not bad - I will give it that much. The control options stink. I spent most of my time in this game trying to figure which gun is under which gun menu since there is are two sub menus that you select your guns from. Besides the issues I have with the poor console within the game, I did not realize that the entire point of this game was capture the flag.

When this was advertised they should have advertised that this was a game that was designed to be more of an online game. Instead, in the video previews before the release they made it seem that there was a real story line to this game.

There seems to be little plot in the story of this game, and because I am not a huge online gamer I am stuck with an expensive game of capture the flag that has fallen way short of my expectation for the this game.