I think is a great game. i haven't played the campaign all the way through,but the online is amazing.it is so fast paced
User Rating: 9.5 | Unreal Tournament III PS3
i think that this is a definite got to get.. i think the online is amazing and the weapons on it are awesome as well. i gave this a 9.5 because i think it is a great game. would i recommend this game to everyone that likes fast paced games with a lot of action, o yes i would.so this is just an all over great game.if you like having sweet maps that you can vote on which one you want to play on, then this is the game for it. i love this game because it offers an awesome campaign and and amazing fast paced online, it is maybe one of the best games out on the ps3 right now. even though that some of the players on this game are amazing you will have to conquer to kill them. there capture the flag is awesome. the sharpshooter, o where do i start, well it is madness and team sharpshooter the same.