So what can one say about the newest installment of the classic Unreal Tournament?!?!
As things stand ATM, the two new game types are Vehicle Capture The Flag and Warfare. There are a couple of tweaks here and there, such as the new hover board that allows you to shoot round the larger maps a lot quicker (and it's wicked cool), and the ability to play dead. You can just see how people will utilise this feature - anybody for a bullet in the back!
The graphics are of course the biggest change, which is expected. Don't think you're getting Crysis-like goodness, but the engine definitely holds its own against anything else that other developers might want to throw at it!
The single player campaign is of course a waste of time, but it's a good way to refresh your skills if you haven't played Unreal Tournement 2004 in a while. Of course, the meat of the game is multiplayer against human counterparts, and naturally this is where the game excels.
There is the always active community that helps to add that more spice to the game, and I definitely look forward to remakes of the more classic maps.
The jist of the matter is that UT3 gives you more of what you like wrapped in far better packaging than UT2004, and thus is a game you should consider investing in!