It let me down. Not good. It was UNREAL!
User Rating: 6.5 | Unreal Tournament III PS3
wow. in a bad way! This game feels like a reallllly old instead of a new generation game! The online play was fun, but it wasn't fun enough to cover up the wanna be campaign. The campaign is just simple online games such as capture the flag, search and destroy, and base catching. This was a real snore fest. All they did was change the people you were playing and the type of game. That got really boring after about 5 times. You pretty much have to do all of the killing yourself, or you'll lose. There are a total of about 4 cut scenes in the whole game, which tells you how much story there is to it. I was really surprised to see the hi score from gamespot. The story was that his arm was blown off, which wasn't very exciting.
I would recommend this game to people who like to play online type the story mode. Sorry that this game wasn't for me. One positive from this game was the type of guns. One was a poison shooter that shot poison and slowly killed the enemy.
Replay Value-2