I give up. i have tried many FPS's in the last few years.....halo, fear, pariah....ect. and i always come back to UT.

User Rating: 10 | Unreal Tournament III PC
I give up. i have tried many FPS's in the last few years.....halo, fear, pariah....ect. and i always come back to UT. it doesnt matter what UT you play they are all superior to every FPS known to man. once you get used to the speed of a UT game all of the others are moving in slow motion. everybody knows the rule if you are playing a UT game....."if you stay still you die." this being the fact you are always on the move, in constant motion looking for your next kill while keeping an eye on your back.....planning your next move that will win you the game. only UT fans know what im talking about. this is why all other games are slow and hard to get through. i only have the demo of UT3 but its just like UT2004, all action and no time for sight seeing. i am now going to buy UT3. i was going to hold off until i bought a new PC so i could enjoy the graphics in a proper fashion but i cant wait. XP and direct X 9c will just have to do for the time being. way to go guys.