I dont know why this diddnt sell?
User Rating: 9 | Unreal Tournament III X360
First off I just recently bought this game at gamestop for an astounding price of $17.99! When I bought it I had high expectations being a fan of the Unreal Tournament series and had dissapointment in the Unreal Championship series and was puzzled and asked my self, "Why is this game so addictive yet so cheap?" So I looked it up on the internet and it turns out because the game sold very few copies. Now about the game, the campaign it has not to much to talk about since its just multiplayer matches but the multiplayer is gun as hell. Other than that you watch the cinemas in between with overly buff guys like the guys in Gears of War, wait it was made by the creators of Gears of War no wander why. Then you have insanely fun and fast paced multiplayer matches to play either online or offline with bots. Personally playing with boths is more fun seeing how I tried the online and there was very few people and has some lag issues. There is a large amount of players to choose from to play as, there five different factions and over 50 characters. Theres the original weapons that you love from the older Unreal Tournaments such as Flack Cannon and the Redeamer. And the achiements are easy to get as well, with only four or so that are online ranked matches only and all the rest can be gotten by playing single player and bot matches, which made me happy because alot of games these days will have online acheivments but no one plays it or doesnt play it anymore.
Summary: Only $17.99 at gamestop, aweome first person shooter with excellent fast paced brutal multiplayer. Most of the achiements can be gotten by playing by your self in bot matches. Online has a few fan base and has lag problems.